Wednesday, December 31, 2014

One Place I'd Rather Be/Relaxing Myself

"Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien
Everyday that I live and breathe

And life gets me down and out

A heavy sigh I heave

And I put on, a grimly made pout

But when I see the sea so blue

Only one thing comes inside

It's the silence I so want too

But my life just can't abide

In the restless sea that is life

And the endless weight I bear

There is only one thing I shall strive

I wish not to be here, but rather to be there

But what does the sea compare

Or the tranquility it brings

When in my heart you are not there

Like a lonely bird it sings

Hey what's up everybody? It's almost New Year, and we're expecting that New Year, New Me kind of posts on Twitter or Facebook. For me, my New Me is that I want to travel more. I want to visit places, but the places I want to visit aren't London, Paris, Rome, or New York. I want to be closer to nature. I want to go to the sea that glows at night, to the Island whose water stretches endlessly. I want to go to where the sea and the sky meet at both ends. I want to be on top of mountains, in tranquil lakes, I want to be where no one is. I want to be quiet. In the silence of isolation I find my peace. But maybe the peace I want can only be achieved when I'm with her.

"In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
-Albert Camus

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