Thursday, December 25, 2014

Sing My Soul To Sleep/Yuletide Depression

"Things pass, nothing will stay the same forever."
-Noel Gallagher

 When I hear her sing I'm alive

Her voice that enchants my weary heart

She gives my life purpose and drive

I revel in the joy in me she does impart

She is the songbird that makes me love instead

Of sulk in sadness of my crumbling life

She sings my soul to sleep and takes it back to bed

With her she provides no strife

I am a sleepy soul searching for a sign

In the outskirts of a dream that once was hers

Now I smile as that dream has become mine

And that is all that matters.

           Happy Christmas everybody! Happy indeed, because I just marked myself out of depression. How? Well I'd give my greatest thanks and much love to Jean Gladys Vicente who pulled me out of this depression. Thanks. I could not have found my way out of that tunnel without you pulling me out. So anyway, it's Christmas! I got my gift almost a week ago so yeah no problem. I ate too much today I felt really bloated. A grim Christmas eve welcomed me today, rain on the roof and gray in the skies. But for some reason I felt relaxed, calm, and serene. I could not explain why such ambiance sets me that way. 

           I don't really have much to share right now, but I can say that I'm not depressed anymore, like the sun has shone on the darkest recesses of my mind. So here's me, covering Don't Go Away by Oasis from their 1997 album, Be Here Now. Don't Go Away (Cover))

"Music got us through school, break-ups, whatever - so it's more than just entertainment, the way I see it."
-Noel Gallagher

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