Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Ballad Of The Mighty She/Sports Talk

"You gotta hold on, you gotta be strong enough for love."
-Noel Gallagher

In that classroom I met her

That became the center of the Earth

From then on I wanted to be better

She made me enter rebirth

She sings with a voice that I

Seem to enchant me so strong

Tears fell upon my eyes as I cry

The beauty and elegance of her song

She may already know it's she

Or I may still need to confess

But with her is where I want to be

And that's all I want to profess.

    Hey guys! It's Boxing Day, and I just watched Man City beat West Brom 3-1 in a Premier League Match. I may not look like it, but I'm an avid football fan and I love Manchester City with a passion. That goes without saying I hate Manchester United with a burning passion. Recently I was over the moon when Manchester City won the Premier League cup and Manchester City finished 7th. Noel and Liam Gallagher, despite their destructive differences, are big City fans along with Johnny Marr of the Smiths. I get hopped up when I watch City beat United every time a derby is on. I just can't get arsed to hop off my seat and do anything even if it's halftime. And when my friends here say "Oh ManU is my favorite" I'm like, which match have you seen them play? And they're like, "No I like them because they're famous." That's not the way to like a club. You like them for how they play or for what they mean to you. I like City because as a kid who grew up in Manchester, City was the go-to band for anyone, and especially those who've taken a liking to Oasis.

"It's about looking forward rather than looking back. I hate people who look back on the past and talk about what might have been." - Noel Gallagher

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